Consequences of Flood and Mold Damage

Water and flood damage can have lasting effects on your home. One of the worst consequences of flooding is the development of mold. The longer you wait to react to water damage, the greater the chance is that mold may begin to grow.In the event that you need help dealing with water or flood damage, contact The STOP Restoration at the first sign of flooding to avoid mold growth in your home.

What is Salvageable and What Isn’t?

If disaster strikes and flooding happens in your home, try to move objects out of or away from water as soon as possible. Anything that is made of porous materials is extremely susceptible to damage and may need to be thrown away if mold develops. Objects to look for include:

  • Rugs, carpet and curtains
  • Bedding and linens such as blankets, comforters, pillows and towels
  • Furniture that contains stuffing
  • Books and anything made of paper

Solid objects made of metal or other non-porous materials will usually be salvageable after flood damage and if cleaned properly, will typically not need to be thrown away. This includes:

  • Mirrors
  • Kitchen utensils, pots and pans, cutlery, drinking glasses and dishware
  • Glass tables, wooden chairs and other hard furniture
  • Metal appliances

Health Problems Associated With Mold

Mold does not only affect material possessions. If it goes undetected in your home, it can cause health issues for anyone breathing in the spores it emits into the air. Possible health complications include:

  • Allergic reactions like sneezing, runny nose, skin rashes and red, irritated, or itchy eyes
  • Shortness of breath and development of asthma
  • Severe asthma attacks in individuals who already have asthma
  • Autoimmune disease developed after prolonged exposure
  • Lung infections or disease in those suffering from weakened immune systems

How STOP Can Help

Proper mold removal can be a difficult task to take care of and is best handled by professionals who have proper training. STOP Restoration has over 40 years of experience and is certified in mold removal and mold damage restoration services. We follow three steps in our mold damage restoration process. These steps are:

  • Containment and prevention of further contamination
  • Reduction or elimination of sources of moisture
  • Removal of mold and objects contaminated by mold

The professionals at STOP Restoration are available to help take care of your flood restoration or mold damage 24/7 and can be reached at (505) 892-3112.