What do I do if water is coming in through my window?

Have you noticed water seeping into your home through your windows even when they're closed? This is a common problem that can lead to significant water damage and even mold growth if not addressed promptly. If you're experiencing this issue, don't panic! Here's what you need to do if your windows are leaking water in your house and they're closed.

Identify the Source of the Leak

The first step in addressing a window leak is to identify where the water is coming from. Check the outside of your home and look for any visible damage or wear to the exterior of your windows. Common causes of window leaks include cracks in the window frame or sealant, worn or damaged weatherstripping, or a broken or missing window pane.

If you can't identify the source of the leak from the outside, move inside and inspect the window from the inside. Look for any signs of water damage or mold growth around the window frame or on the walls or ceiling nearby. Use a flashlight to inspect the window frame and sash, checking for any cracks or damage that could be causing the leak.

Temporary Fixes

If you're unable to find the source of the leak or you're not able to fix it right away, there are some temporary fixes you can try to stop the water from coming in. One option is to use waterproof tape or a sealant to cover any cracks or gaps in the window frame or sealant. This can help to keep the water out until you're able to make a more permanent repair.

Another option is to use a window insulation kit, which can help to create an airtight seal around your windows. This can help to reduce air leaks and prevent water from seeping in through any gaps.

Call a Professional

If you're unable to identify the source of the leak or you're not confident in your ability to make the repair yourself, it's important to call a professional. A window contractor or a water damage restoration company can help to identify the source of the leak and make any necessary repairs.

Prevent Future Leaks

Once the leak has been repaired, it's important to take steps to prevent future leaks from occurring. Regularly inspect your windows and look for signs of wear or damage. Replace any worn or damaged weatherstripping or sealant as soon as possible. Clean and maintain your gutters and downspouts to ensure that water is properly directed away from your home. And consider installing storm windows or adding insulation to help prevent air leaks.

In conclusion, if you're experiencing a window leak in your home, it's important to take action right away to prevent water damage and mold growth. Identify the source of the leak, make any necessary repairs, and take steps to prevent future leaks from occurring. And if you're not confident in your ability to make the repair yourself, don't hesitate to call professionals like STOP Restoration for help.
