How Mold is Removed

Mold can take over any home or building without the owner noticing it. It can be quite dangerous, as it causes health problems and eats away the structure of the home, potentially weakening the foundation.

If you find that your home is infested with mold, arrange for its removal as soon as possible. But where should you begin and how can you get mold removed at a reasonable price? Some people think that mold removal is an extremely complicated process. It is true that removing these microorganisms can be hard but not for an expert. Mold removal experts are trained to remove the mold quickly and effectively. How do they remove it? We will explain…

Testing for Mold

If you can see the mold, you do not have to spend any money on testing. All you must do is call the professionals to have it removed. All molds are removed in the same manner so there is no need to identify what types of mold your home has via testing.

If a mold removal professional insists that pre-testing is necessary even when mold is visible, we recommend you be wary because it is usually a waste of your money.

How a Professional Removes Mold

A mold removal professional should explain the mold removal project in layman’s terms. If they are confused about it themselves, steer clear of them and hire a real expert who knows what they are doing.

Here’s what you should expert from a mold removal professional:

  • Mold professionals will seal off the infested area, often with the help of plastic sheeting, to ensure that mold does not become dispersed throughout the premises during the clean-up.
  • They will wear proper safety gear when dealing with the mold in your home. They will not attempt to remove the mold without putting on a high filtration face mask and neoprene or vinyl gloves. If the mold infestation is extensive and requires the use of harsh chemicals, the professionals will likely wear a full protective suit.
  • Mold removal professionals use high-quality equipment like HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) vacuums, commercial-grade dehumidifiers, HEPA air scrubbers, etc. for the removal and clean-up.
  • After they have removed mold physically from its source, they will clean the air of airborne mold spores with HEPA air scrubbers and air exchange (simple ventilation or sophisticated air controls)
  • Porous building materials – like baseboards, drywall, and insulation – that have been infested with mold are usually removed and discarded. This is because it is generally impossible to restore them to their previous condition
  • A sealer may be used by mold professionals to make the areas that have been treated more resistant to future mold growth.

Final Thoughts

If your home is infested with mold and you want to have this dangerous microorganism removed, please call the experts at STOP Restoration (S.T.O.P.). Our trained mold removal professionals will take care of the mold problem in your home so that you can breathe fresh and clean air again.

For professional mold inspection, testing or mold restoration services in the Bucks, Montgomery and Philadelphia area counties contact STOP Restoration (S.T.O.P.) at 844-777-STOP.